27. Juni 2012
Today’s been a sick and stressful day but the lovely people around me made it less hectic {I love all of you, especially you - Claire <3} My dad just headed to Dusseldorf’s airport to get some international things done which means he won’t be home for three or seven days but we’ve spent quite a lot time together. And only 10 days to go till I have my summer break and in mid-July I’ll be heading to Chicago, IL. Totally can’t wait. Sorry that I couldn't post much lately but I had a lot of tests to pass and school work to be done. Xoxo #News Watch Alli Simpson having a short chat with Mr. Bieber !!! Xo http://allisimpson.com/my-day-with-justin-bieber/ || Twitter: @SecretAngelLiz3
13. Juni 2012
I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am worthy of the very best in life, and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it.
Hello ! <3 I just feel way more comfortable writing in english so I hope you don't mind if I'm going to continue my blog in english but I'll probably translate my posts in german as well. Anyways, I have quite a lot to study for my tests, keep and catching up with my girlfriends and so on, so I probably won't be posting that much in the future. And I thought about titling my posts with affirmations that I adore so everytime when I'm feeling down I just read the titles of my posts to remind myself how lucky, worthy and loving I am. And not to mention: I just started to meditate again after small break and I'm doing yoga twice a week since a couple of days. I feel even more comfortable now and I'm definitely calmer plus have a different view on things. For the ones who are probably going to ask: I'm Christian and not Buddhist. xoxo
11. Juni 2012
Affirmations...they give me strengths to continue.
As I already told you, Miranda Kerr is an incredibly beautiful model and she
truly is my inspiring idol. Her book gives me hope to keep believing in my
dreams and to make them coming true as the affirmations in the books do.
So I thought about sharing my love for them with you which means I'm going
to introduce you to quotes by Louise L. Hary, Miranda Kerr, Alli Simpson
and me.
“I release all fears and doubts. – I release myself from fear and doubt. Fears and doubts are nothing but stumbling blocks. I am strong with limitless possibility.”
“I am willing to forgive. – I put the past behind me and I open my life to the endless freedom available through forgiveness. I give myself permission to forgive and greet the possibilities now available to me with an open, loving heart.”
"I believe that I am able to do everything and anything with God ─ the one and only who give me strengths and love to continue."
“I think before I speak. – I acknowledge words have the ability to impact other peoples lives. I think before i speak and i speak words of support, compassion and love to all.”
"Ich verdiene das Beste und ich akzeptiere jetzt das Beste ─ Dankbar wertschätze ich alles, was ich habe. Ich führe ein erfülltes Leben und verdiene nur das Beste."
I hope that you liked them as much as I do and that they're going to help you out in the hard times in life. I'd recommend it reading them in the morning before work/school and before you're going to bed. Keep repeating them. That's the way how they support me and did to Miranda. So, if you’re ever feeling down, or you’re just looking for a general pick me up, these are perfect! You can write them down on pieces of paper, or in even in a journal. I find it helpful to read them over when I am going to sleep, or first thing when I wake up in the morning. xoxo
Ich schätze die Liebe, die ich erhalte.
4. Juni 2012
Hallo ihr Lieben :-* Mein Name ist Lisa & ich bin vierzehn Jahre alt. Begeistern tue ich mich für das Reisen, Mode und Beauty und natürlich Gossip Girl. Ich liebe Nagellack und Schokolade <3 Wobei ich Schokolade eher selten nasche...egal. Mich beschreiben diese Adjektive wohl am besten: verträumt, glücklich, humorvoll, ungeduldig und abenteuerlich. Mein Traum wäre es mal in einer Redaktion einer Modezeitschrift zu arbeiten und ein anderer Wunsch meinerseits wäre es mal für eine Victoria's Secret Show mit zu laufen. Meine Lieblingsbeschäftigungen sind Freundinnen treffen, shoppen gehen, Modezeitschriften durchblättern (am liebsten Elle und Glamour). Zu meinen Lieblingsserien zähle ich Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, Modern Family, Punk'D und The Lying Game <3
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